MyTranslate is a translation app that supports Hindi translation and 100+ other local language translationsFeatures:★ All Language Supported★ Voice Translator: Speak & Voice Translate★Camera Tranlator/Image Text Translator★ Screen translator/Floating Ball Translation★ Text Translator/Chat TranslatorMyTranslate requires AccessibilityService API1. What data the app collects using the AccessibilityService API?-App activity-Page views and taps in app-Other user-generated content-App info and performance-Crash logs-Diagnostics-Other app performance data-Device or other identifiers2、 Why use this AccessibilityService API, what is the purpose?We use this approach to implement core features such as cross-app drag translation, global translation, etc.MyTranslate requires an accessibility service to get text anywhere on the screen in order to run screen translations from other applications. In order to provide translation services, MyTranslate requires an accessibility service to read text while you are using other applications.Collect some user data, which is used to analyze the stability of the version, optimize the experience and improve the user experience